Post 9: Changes
Overall my curriculum is very strong, in fact, it has been copied from the Leipzig Conservatory. We study subjects like harmony, counterpoint, solfege, piano, composition, electroacoustic, history of art, orchestration, among others. The content of these courses are quite good but in the praxis, they are not always that. Our faculty has deficient equipment and gear for students, one example would be that the classrooms are dark, extremely hot at summer, poorly isolated from the outside noises and the majority of pianos are out of tune.
As a student, I use technology mostly for notating scores and create electroacoustic music. The majority of classes demands a maximum of 5 students because our workflow is very practical and the teacher needs to focus on many details. Some classes are very slow because we need to analyze some large works from the old masters (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Bhrams, etc…) and a good projector it would be a nice thing to have in the classroom instead of all being squished behind teacher at the piano.
Piano classes are really good because you work with your assigned teacher who has the better pianos of the faculty, on the other hand, the electroacoustic class is so depressing, we don’t have the proper gear to work with surround audio and the only computers that are available don't' have all the software we need. (This is one of the main reasons that I want to study electronic music somewhere else)
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