
Post 9: Changes

Overall my curriculum is very strong, in fact, it has been copied from the Leipzig Conservatory. We study subjects like harmony, counterpoint, solfege, piano, composition, electroacoustic, history of art, orchestration, among others. The content of these courses are quite good but in the praxis, they are not always that. Our faculty has deficient equipment and gear for students, one example would be that the classrooms are dark, extremely hot at summer, poorly isolated from the outside noises and the majority of pianos are out of tune. As a student, I use technology mostly for notating scores and create electroacoustic music. The majority of classes demands a maximum of 5 students because our workflow is very practical and the teacher needs to focus on many details. Some classes are very slow because we need to analyze some large works from the old masters (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Bhrams, etc…) and a good projector it would be a nice thing to have in the classroom instead of al...

Post 8: Holidays

Being sincere I haven’t thought about my vacations yet. Right now I’m still finishing the semester and I have a lot of work to do. As I see it, my holiday season will not be so great, but I hope that some interesting invitation comes to me in the next weeks. In the other hand I have no doubt that I’m going to take advantage of time and I will compose music and take a lot of photos (also I have really exciting projects in my mind) Studying English and German is crucial for me, so those days are gonna be full of reading, listening, writing and hopefully speaking! There’s a lot of good websites to learn on your own and I agree that studying alone is not the best option but more knowledge is not going to hurt anyone. If I have the opportunity to travel or visit some place on holydays I would like it to be southern Chile or maybe Argentina, everyone says that is very beautiful and things are cheaper in comparison to Chile, that’s quite true, generally there is more variety than a huge chan...

Post 6: Postgraduate Course

I'm currently on my fifth year of the music composition degree and things are going very well lately. I've always love experimental electronic music and sound desing, but for historical and cultural reasons my career doesn't provide students a complete program for this area of the musical knowledge. The mainly reason that I want to study a master degree in electroacoustics abroad is because there is not a lot going on the field here in Chile, so the only option for me is stay very well informed about the subject, or study somewhere else.  The majority of artists that want to expand their knowledge search for cities like Berlin, Paris, New York etc...For me Berlin sounds really cool but the main turn off is the language  (German is known for its difficulty) but I also like Vancouver very much. Regarding life and work everyone knows that it is not easy to work and study at the same time, but if I have the opportunity I will take it! Within the subjects that I want to...

Post 7: School Uniforms - Good or Bad?

School Uniforms - Good or Bad? When I was in highschool all the students had to wear uniforms, it was extremely important for the institution that students kept a good looking appearance. On the other hand, for us (the students) that situation became really common because all the “emblematic” schools used distinctive uniforms, those that gave us unity and sense of belonging.  So with that in mind, imagine a situation where a group of students harasses a classmate for his clothes or how he looks, this automatically creates a problem for all the students that cant afford new or better clothes. Specialist say that school uniforms make schools safer for students, create a "level playing field" that reduces socioeconomic disparities, and encourage students to focus on their studies rather than their clothes.  Also the 21% of US public schools required students to wear uniforms during the 2015-2016. Besides that maybe school uniforms infringe upon students' right...

Post 5: Future Job(s)

I'm currently studying Music Composition at Universidad de Chile, and I really like the idea of making a Portfolio career, in fact I'm building that path since 2015 when I started in photography. As you may know, musicians spend a lot of time practising and stuying (piano, harmony, orchrestation etc...) but also, we have our personal projects. In my case, I make projects of street photography, portraits and others visual works.  In the near future I really want to study multimedia arts as a second career, and it is for that reason that I'm adding another string to my bow learning to code in two different languajes, Csound (Sound Synthesis) and Processing (Visuals), with all the tools that I currently have, it would be more easy for me to get a job in any institution or private company. Thinking about my future job, I really like to teach to other people, so maybe teaching electroacoustics at my University or in another place would be fine.  Also the possibility of makin...

Post 3: Paranormal Activity - The Unknown Man

One day a friend of mine told me a creepy story about an unknown man that appears at midnight in his bedroom. At first, he thought that he was dreaming, but with the pass of time and the strange series of events that happened since that night (like weird sounds in the house, bad smell and the sensation of someone walking in the house) he actually believe that the man he saw the other night was a truly paranormal activity. My friend remember that the man was wearing white clothes and his figure has a white pale light arround him. Also he has a strange smile in his face, (certenly a not very comfortable experience) After all, the mysterious man was’t proyecting bad vibes , so my friend thought that probably he only wanted to communicate, maybe he was in other dimension ... Since that day, my friend is still waiting for another paranormal activy. (ノ◕ヮ◕)

Post 2: Best Concert - Metallica

I want to talk about my best concert ever! (also my first) It happened in 2013 when I was in highschool. Me and all my friends really enjoyed to listen metal music, and of course if you listen to metal music, you must know that Metallica is one of the biggest bands of the genre. The concert took place in January the 26th of 2010 in the Club Hípico arena. I remember that I went by bus with my two closest cousins and a friend. When we arrived near the Club Hípico there was a giant row of people, and we had to wait about 5 hours under the burning sun before enter. The opening band was Criminal and the crowd was very excited! Everyone was  drinking beer and smoking cigarrettes. The time past very quickly in my mind but it was a great concert and a remarkable experience. Just in case if you don't know anything about the band: Metallica is an American heavy metal group formed in 1981 in Los Angeles, California. They are extremly important in the history of metal/rock music. In f...