Post 3: Paranormal Activity - The Unknown Man

One day a friend of mine told me a creepy story about an unknown man that appears at midnight in his bedroom. At first, he thought that he was dreaming, but with the pass of time and the strange series of events that happened since that night (like weird sounds in the house, bad smell and the sensation of someone walking in the house) he actually believe that the man he saw the other night was a truly paranormal activity. My friend remember that the man was wearing white clothes and his figure has a white pale light arround him. Also he has a strange smile in his face, (certenly a not very comfortable experience)
After all, the mysterious man was’t proyecting bad vibes , so my friend thought that probably he only wanted to communicate, maybe he was in other dimension ...
Since that day, my friend is still waiting for another paranormal activy.



  1. woao i would be thinking of a demon because of the bad smell, anyways maybe your friend can try with the ouija. good vibes for you all.

  2. Maybe he was trying to tell you the secrets of the other dimention!

  3. maybe he was just trying to accompany him and take care of him at night.


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